Kruger work engages the merging of found photographs from exsisting sources were she use agrresive text that invovles the viewer in the struggle for power and control that her captions speak to. Kruger's work is instantly recognisable with the trademark of "white letters against the slash of red background "
Her work very much speaks out against views of feminism and consumerism, although her black and white images are culled from mainstrem magazines that sell the very ideas she is disputing.
For the past decade Kruger has created immersive video and audio instillation . Envelloping the viewer with the seductions of direct address, her work is consistently about kindness and brutalities of social life: how we are to one another
I have posted up a couple images of Barbara Krugers work the top images being the most recent (2010) and down towards the bottom her earlier work (1980) from what i can see it doesnt seem like her technique or style has changed over the years. But one thing i do know her messages are not subtle they are as clear as day expecially her views on feminism and consumerism. I enjoyed looking at her work it was a change from all else ive seen.