Monday, April 26, 2010

tony oursler

Artist Tony Oursler works in several media, but he is best known for his fractured-narrative handmade groundbreaking videos of eerily painted dummies. His art deals with topics from Multiple Personality Disorder to corporate power and media

His work has been exhibited in a variety of different environments such as museums etc, he has many methods of moving and removing video monitor using mirrors, reflection of water, glass and other devices.Since the mid-1970s Oursler has been a pioneer in New Media Art

Tony Ourslers work 'Eye in the sky' is a fibreglass sphere which projects a single eye watching television. Oursler has not made the rest of the body visible but has the sounds of somebody channel surfing, through commercials sitcoms game shows etc. even though the facial expressions are not shown you get a sense of them when he the eye twitches, moves etc.
The fragmentary nature of the piece - The disembodied eye, the reflected television screen and the rapidly changing channels -- parallels features of mental illnesses that signal the disintegration of the personality and the inability of the individual to identify with and function in the real world.

Tony Ourslers work relates to the Enlightenment in many ways such as freedom, individualism, progress and science. The way his work comes across to me is that the progression of science and modern technology has in a way stopped us as thinking as an individual. In all truth and honesty you see things happening on the television and it influences the way you see things it could even change you perspective on the matter. We do have our freedom of thinking and saying what we want, but we can all relate to this that we are all influenced one way our another by he media wether it be television, radio or newspapers. The world has progressed in a big way and generations have all been affected by this.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fiona Halls work and mercantilism

Mercantilism is an economic theory, considered to be a form of economic nationalism. Mercantilism is an economic system were the nation is dependent upon its supply of capital and international trade. The nation would trade merchandise e.g metal and gold to accumulate power and wealth. this occurred during the 16th, 17th and 18th centurys and was focused more on the interests of the nation and not self interest.

Fiona Hall _ Tender

Tender “consists of dozens of simulacra of birds’ nests of all shapes and sizes, which are all made of American one dollar bills and they are made into the shapes of bird nests. The American dollar is the most disired currency in third world countries. The theme behind this piece of art work is people in third world countries are just like birds scavenging for material to build their nest and for people in the third world countries trying to find money for shelter.

Fiona Hall_Leaf Litter

Fiona Halls -Leave Litter shows the interrelationships between the natural and commercial worlds. Halls uses layering in her art and use very unusal and innovative materials, She is a well respected contemporary artist in Australia. For this particular piece of work she has used bank notes from several different countries. This piece of art work represents how money and wealth make use blind to see what else is happening in our world, and i believe alot of Fiona Halls work represents this.

"While money is the bottom line in our contemporary economy and overrides crucial environmental concerns, plants are often the raw material for generating income (and money, made from paper, is also produced from plants). Fiona Hall’s witty and elegant work captures this perfectly"

Russell Storer, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 2000

All Fiona Halls artwork i have looked at has a strong connection to the renaissance, the renaissance focuses on making capital, becoming wealthy by trade etc but Fiona Halls work looks at it the complete opposite, she looks at how the enviromental issues are just as important as the economical issues in society.
